veloriders Site Admin

Joined: 20 Feb 2002 Posts: 2735
Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 11:32 am Post subject: MESSAGE BOARD RULES - Please read before posting. |
General Message Board Rules
When participating in the forums by viewing or posting you agree that. The owner of this site is not acting in any way to send you this information; you are choosing to receive it! Continuing further means that you understand and accept responsibility for your own actions, thus releasing the owner/administrators and moderators of this forum and the service provider/host from all liability.
Having a Message Board and being able to share views and opinions on cycling with others around the world is one of the most rewarding benefits of the Internet.
In order for everyone to get the most enjoyment from this forum we do ask that when you post a message you follow the rules and guidelines outlined below.
If you disagree with any of the rules then do not post.
1. Be polite.
This seems obvious, however people sometimes forget that common courtesy goes a long way to lending respect to both you and your opinions. Just because you don’t see their face doesn’t mean they don’t have feelings and won’t be hurt by rude comments. When you read something that you find silly, rude or insulting, first assume that perhaps there is more to the post than you initially thought. Re-read it and keep in mind that tone and inflection is difficult to convey in written form. It may be that the person is attempting a joke or is exaggerating on purpose. It is best to politely request clarification before accusing somebody of being ignorant, a liar or worse. If after clarification you still disagree with the person then politely outline your points, and avoid name-calling or even implying insults wherever possible.
2. Advertising.
Posting advertisements, services and spam without the prior approval from are not acceptable. If you wish to advertise on this site contact
3. Copyright.
When posting or using images/avatars on Veloriders, it is the responsibility of that person to seek permission to use that image/avatar from the owner before posting. Images/avatars should not be advertising a product or be offensive to other users. The Owners/administrators or moderators will not be held responsible for any copyright issues that may arise regarding images that are posted on Veloriders without prior approval.
4. Avatar Size.
The default setting for the size of avatars is 80 x 80 pixels x 6kb. The administrator of this board will allow avatars upto a max width size of 150 pixels. Height and file size to be kept to a minimum. Avatars above the 150 pixel width size will be deleted and persistent offenders will have this facility withdrawn.
5. Signature.
Can be a block of text 255 character limit or an image with a max height of 60 pixels x max width of 400 pixels.
6. Username.
Offensive, rude and ambiguous usernames are not acceptable.
7. Posts.
a. Posts on these forums (including linking to) and any Content which is or contains
(i) profanity, insults, swearing, libellous, defamatory, obscene, *CENSORED*, abusive, harassing, threatening or that contain *CENSORED*, ethically or otherwise objectionable material of any kind.
(ii) viruses or other contaminating or destructive features.
(iii) violates the rights of others, such as content, which infringes any copyright, trademark, patent or violates any right of privacy.
(iv) detrimental to Veloriders or its sponsors and supporters.
Will be deleted or locked.
b. Off topic posts on the cycling forums will be deleted or moved to the Non Cycling forum.
c. Posts that attack or are rude to members of the cycling community or VR readers are never acceptable and will be deleted.
d. Threads that are in the wrong forum will be moved to the correct forum.
If your posts are locked/deleted due to one of the issues outlined above. Evaluate what you posted and think about why it might have been locked/deleted. If you have any questions as to why your post was locked or deleted or you have lost your posting rights, please feel free to e-mail any questions to
8. Broken Rules.
While we all have the best of intentions occasionally mistakes happen. Unfortunately there will be people who sometimes try to goad others into acting in a manner they would otherwise avoid. Many of us are very passionate about cycling and can get on each other’s nerves occasionally either by accident or on purpose. When this happens sometimes things are said that are later regretted. This happens to the best of us, and with a quick apology you usually repair the damage done. We ask that you please be considerate to other users in the forums when posting your message and remember that we have readers of all ages.
The administrator and moderators of this forum will attempt to remove or edit any generally objectionable material as quickly as possible; it is impossible to review every message. Therefore you acknowledge that all posts made to these forums express the views and opinions of the author and not the administrators, moderators or webmaster (except for the posts by these people) and hence will not be held liable. If you see any posts that are objectionable then please PM (private message) or e-mail
Last edited by veloriders on 16 Apr 2004 11:01 am; edited 5 times in total |